Sunday, 5 November 2017

RanSamware virus attacks computers, Windows computers are easy targets

RanSamware virus attacks computers, Windows computers are easy targets

RanSamware virus attacks computers, Windows computers are easy targets

There is constant threat of virus attacks on Indian computers. Tracking by Sophoslabs shows that 45.3 percent of Ranaswamy's affected devices have been affected by windprints and 44.2 percent from the Servers. At the same time, Android Ransomware is also engaged in attracting cyber criminals. India is one of the seven major countries in the world where the risk of RanSamware circulation is highest.

Windows Computer is Target

This report says that the cyber attacks on Windows OS, Android, Linux and MacOS systems have increased in the world this year. It is reported that according to Sophos' Sophoslabs 2018 Malware Forecast, the head of global network and End Point Security, the risk of 2 types of Android attacks is increasing, in which unlocking the phones of one without encrypting data and encrypting the other data During the phone lock.

This virus is dangerous

Dorco Palote, a researcher at Sophoslabs Security, has said that RanSamware mostly targets Windows computers, but this year Sophoslabs has seen an increase in their attack on different devices and operating systems used by our customers around the world. Ransomware came out in May of 2017. It was the world's largest RanSware Earlier, in the beginning of the year 2016, a serial named Ranzer was revealed, which was the largest RanSware of the time. Even though this has also left behind.

Increasing number of Android users

The tracking done by Sophoslabs has shown that Ranaswamite-affected devices had 45.3 per cent of non-encrypted and 44.2 per cent serveral results. Android ransomware are also attracting cyber criminals. According to its analysis, the number of cyber attacks is increasing every year in 2017 on the customers of Sophos using Android Devices. They said that it is important to know that Android ranasaware was found mainly in non-Google play market. This is another reason that users should be very careful where they are downloading and what type of app are downloading. Sophos has said that users continue to back up their phones from time to time like computers.

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